Your neighbourhood, Your plan
The full plan comprises 90 pages containing 34,234 words. You are encouraged to read the full plan but to save you time, the plan has been broken down into parts below.
The full plan can be downloaded by clicking on this link
It is a big document so if you are struggling to download it you can download it in parts further down this page. You can also email and request that the plan is sent to you.
The plan has a Vision. The Vision is outlined on the VISION page of this website.
The plan has 5 Objectives. The Objectives is outlined on the OBJECTIVES page of this website.
The plan has 15 Policies. The Policies outlined on the POLICIES page of this website.
The plan contains a foreword, a table of contents, 9 chapters and 2 appendices which can be download individually below.
There are several supporting documents which were used to create the plan.
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ THEM but they you may find them useful for background. These can be found below.
Supporting documents
Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Report
Summary Infrastructure Report for Wool Neighbourhood Plan
Guidance for the assessment of Cycling Infrastructure Requirements
Emerging Dorset Local Plan Policy Options for renewables, low carbon, energy
Wool East Burton and Bovington Character Appraisal and Priorities
Development form in Wool and East Burton
Wool Village Centre and Neighbourhood Shopping Parades
Local Plan Infrastructure Assumptions for Wool
River Flooding, Surface Flooding and Photographic Evidence
Purbeck Local Plan - Strategic Flood Risk assessment 2018 - additional comments by a local expert
National and Local guidance documents​​
LTN1/20 Cycling Infrastructure Design​
Bovington Townscape Character Assessment - Parts 1 and 2
Bovington Townscape Character Assessment - Parts 3 to 6
Wool Townscape Character Assessment - Part 1
Wool Townscape Character Assessment - Part 2
Wool Townscape Character Assessment - Part 3
Wool Townscape Character Assessment - Parts 4 to 6