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In 2018, Wool Parish Council decided to create a Neighbourhood Plan to:


  • Develop a shared vision for Wool, Bovington and East Burton which is led by local people

  • Increase the Parish Council’s proportion of money generated by developments to improve our Parish

  • Identify and protect important local green spaces

  • Influence what new homes should be like


A Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group was formed. The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (NPSG) is made up of a collection of Parish Councillors, ex-Parish Councillors, local residents, local councillors and a Dorset Council liaison. Initially the NPSG was chaired by Martin Hiles before Andrew Wilson took over the reins in January 2022. The composition of the NPSG has been fluid over the years but Steve Smith, Chris Yarnold, Robin Thorn and Rod Webb have been ever-present. 


Wool Parish Council applied for designation of the Neighbourhood Plan Area for its plan with an area based on the boundary of the parish. This was approved by Purbeck District Council (as it was then) on 29 June 2018. The area is shown below. 

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A terms of reference was agreed in 2018.




Engagement with the local community in Wool Parish has been essential to develop a vision and objectives for future development policies that can make a difference to local people in the parish. A  Consultation Report has been prepared to support the neighbourhood plan and this provides details on consultation and engagement undertaken in its development. The Consultation Report (which can be found on the PLAN page of this website) provides information about the following:

  1. A review of key priorities identified in the 2011 Wool Parish Plan, actions taken to implement them and consideration to address outstanding matters.

  2. Feedback from the Wool Annual Parish Meeting from 23 April 2018, which kick-started work on the neighbourhood plan.

  3. A stall at the Wool Carnival on 16 June 2018.

  4. A survey of residents in September-October 2019, collecting 201 responses.

  5. Drop-in Sessions held during the same period as the survey with 29 people attending.

  6. Community Walkabouts undertaken during July 2021 in which 34 people participated.

  7. A school pupils survey undertaken in July 2021.

  8. A neighbourhood plan Consultation meeting held on 14 March 2022 to discuss vision, objectives and priorities.

  9. A survey of local community infrastructure and service providers undertaken in February 2022.

  10. A survey of local bus use and future bus services was carried out in March-April 2022, collecting 191 responses.


The 2019 survey identified the key themes below. For more information see the QUESTIONNAIRE page on this website)


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The NPSG met monthly (the minutes can be found on the MEETINGS page of this website). The NPSG provided a report to the full monthly meeting of Wool Parish Council (see the Meetings page of Regular updates have appeared in the Wool Parish Council newsletter. 


In late 2021, Wool Parish Council engaged a consultant, Lee Searles from Andrea Pellagram Consultancy to help prepare the plan which is now ready for you to comment upon. The draft plan can be found on the PLAN page of this website. 

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